Summer Program: UNISMA Malang, Indonesia and Prince of Songkla University Phuket Campus, Thailand
Students from the Faculty of International Studies (FIS), Prince of Songkla University (PSU) Phuket Campus, Thailand came to the University of Islam Malang (UNISMA Malang) to learn Indonesian language and culture, through Summer Camp Program. This event was organized by the Office of International Affairs (OIA) UNISMA Malang. The program run for two months from May-June.
The students learned Indonesian traditional dance, gamelan (traditional instrument of Indonesia), and batik. To explore some tourist destinations in Indonesia, especially Malang, the participants joint some out-bond programs. They went to down town of Malang City and Batu City (Alun-alun), Kusumaagro, Wisata Tugu (monument), and modern shopping center. They visited ‘Antique’, House Batik and Kebaya, which is located in Pekalongan Street, Malang City. Students also enjoyed the magnificence of Bromo Mountain, the tourism icon of East Java. As the final destination of this program, they had trip to Bali Island, the Island of paradise.
In addition to learn Indonesian language from the classroom, students also participated in a home stay program, staying with an Indonesian family. The tutors of the Indonesian class were from Foreign Language Development Center (P2BA) UNISMA, Faculty of Engineer (FT), Faculty of Economy (FE), Faculty of Agriculture (FAPERTA), Faculty of Animal Husbandry (FAPET), Medical Faculty (FK), and Faculty of Teaching and Training (FKIP).
In 2016, 27 students from FIS PSU Phuket Campus Thailand joint this summer camp program. The program was closed by the performance of Indonesian traditional dance, gamelan, and campur sari from FIS PSU Phuket Campus Students. Rector of UNISMA Malang, Prof. Dr. Maskuri, M. Si, and the Head of International Office, Hj. Novi Arfarita, SP., MP.,M.Sc.,Ph.D. gave the speech during the ceremony of the program. (kaff,nil).